Spread The Love And Share My Heart !

I am Little Niki !
I am here to spread my love and share my heart!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Niki And Master Wu Gui

Yes Master 乌龟 is what my brother calls it... =.="

Niki was guarding the door like usual, and he suddenly barked. I turned and look at him, scolded him for barking and went to see what happen.

(He shouldn't be barking at the door by the way.) And this Wu Gui was busy crawling away from Niki's barking, scrambling under the incenst bin without knowing that his shell actually stops him from drilling in. He was hiding in his shell like that:

I was pitying him and Niki, growling at it. But I didn't dare to touch it. I quickly called for my brother to help, and the first thing he did was....

...bringing niki to the wu gui to stop him from growling. Zz . I was so afraid that the wu gui will crawl and start rolling down the stairs! Poor thing.

He was still curious. Okay ... and the tortise / turtle / terrapine look so dry on the shell and skin, and so we decided to pour some water on him cuz we really dont know how long have him been crawling.

He look so scared when he sees us and was crawling so quickly.

I told my brother to go upstairs to see if there is any tanks or anything that may be where this tortise came from, but there was no outcome. Luckily there is only like 3 storeys above us and at most he've fallen for 3 levels. But still, we didn't want him to fall further, so we decided to keep him and find his owner.

We initially kept him in the basket where we could find. And Niki was guarding it like an angel, growling at its every move. UNTIL NIKI RAN IN LOOKING AT ME LIKE THIS.....

AND I WENT TO SEE ............

OH NO !!
I shouted for my brother immediately !! And the tortise ended up like that:

Yes its inside my hse right now.


And again, Niki guarded it like an angel. =.="

Niki refuse to step away even though he was so tired.

Niki is actually scared of the tortise / turtle but his curiousity led him to stayed on.
Here's a VIDEO of Niki whining. A short one. =)

And dad came back saying tortise don't usually stays in the water whole day. Sometimes they need to be dry.

And we decided to let him roam for awhile while Niki overcome his fears.
I hope Niki won't paw him nor roll him like a ball.


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