Spread The Love And Share My Heart !

I am Little Niki !
I am here to spread my love and share my heart!

Return / Exchange Policy

** Return and Exchange Policy DOES NOT apply to Clearance Items.

Niki's Paw will accept any Defective Item (such as loose buttons, dropping zippers, torn materials etc...) for up to 3 days. Customers may choose to do a 1-to1 or you may want to replace it with other products of equal, or higher in value, and do a top up in the difference.

Niki's Paw will accept any Exchanges for Size only if the requested size is available. If the requested sizes is not available, you may want to replace it with other products of equal, or higher in value, and do a top up in the difference.

Receipt for the purchased goods must be presented to us for all the above mentioned.

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1. Email to Niki.lim2010@hotmail.com or SMS to +65 83393952 for any Defective or Exchange issue.

2. Kindly include your Receipt No# in your Email / SMS for tracking purpose.

3. Please state the issue: Exchange or Defective in your Email / SMS.

4. We will get back to you within 24 hours.